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4 months ago

Community Movie NightSeptember 13, 2024, 4:30pmDutton Park State SchoolDutton Park Parents and Citizens Association, in conjunction with the Cross River Rail Project, are happy to announce our 2024 Community Movie Night!

We're screening the spooktacular Scooby Doo and the Curse of the 13th Ghost as a special Friday the 13th Event! Bring a blanket or beach chairs to sit out under the stars while you enjoy this family favourite. The PnC will be serving drinks, food and snacks to sate even the most diabolical appetite.

Click through to the Dutton Park Parents and Citizens Association page to RSVP, and to pre-order food and drink for the night.
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Houston - we have a problem...
There are 340ish students in this school - this is 6 months worth of lost property...
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All items with names in will be in lost property under Admin in week 1 of term 3. Owners of items with names in will receive an email from P&C (if we have their contact details) so they know to look. DPSS items with no identification have been washed and will be available in the $2 2nd hand clothes in week 1. If you have lost a non-uniform item, email with a description, otherwise it will be for sale at Messartopia on Sept 9. ***Please write name and mobile number inside hats and jackets: P&C volunteers will check lost property every week from now on and contact you***

Thanks so much guys - do we come and look at the usual lost property place or to the tuckshop / parent hub? Thanks

Big THANK YOU to the parent volunteers who helped sift through & sort the piles!

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Tomorrow is your last chance to pop along to a Planning Meeting if you're interested in all the details, helping out or throwing around ideas & suggestions!

Mess-art-opia LAST Planning MeetingSeptember 9, 2017, 10:00amOn the ovalHEY GUYS! Guys!! It's ON tomorrow!!! Last chance to iron out the wrinkles!
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Mess-art-opia LAST Planning Meeting
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