Annual Voluntary Contributions – September 2024
How Voluntary Contributions work
Dutton Park State School asks for 2 voluntary contributions from parents and carers each year:
- The school makes its request at the beginning of each school year. Funds raised go directly to school programs and daily needs.
- The P&C requests contributions in the middle of the year. Financial contributions raised directly support the school to deliver learning, well-being and infrastructure initiatives that are not provided by Government.
Our P&C fund raising is crucial because our State and Commonwealth Governments provide funding for basic resources only. Our request is to those parents, carers and community members with the means to afford it only.
This year we have a list of priorities we are working on funding through voluntary contributions, advocating our needs to the Department and grants. Our infrastructure wish list includes:
- improvements to the tennis court, cricket nets and basketball half court (rebound wall), more robust soccer goals;
- an inclusive play space around the new ramp (eg outdoor percussion);
- more incursions (in 2023 we funded Sporting Wheelies and the NAIDOC mural);
- a changeable display panel for student work;
- updating the concrete painting including the handball courts to provide a more inclusive range of activities and more spaces;
- improvements to the Jabiru area (which could be an area of all students if it were suitable);
- whatever else the school community wants to see – if you want to give your feedback on what we use your funds for, please fill in this quick survey:
What should I give?
As a guide, if we received $65 for every child in the school, we would reach our goal. Please remember, we encourage parents, carers and the community to give within their means. We have set up some payment options or you can choose your own.
We don’t want this request to be a financial burden on our school families. We gratefully receive what you can afford to pay. If you are in a position to be generous, we very much appreciate that. If you cannot afford to contribute, we understand and we know that each of us gives in different ways to our children’s education. All of those contributions are equal and important.
Option 1: Electronic banking – direct deposit (no fee)
Account name: Dutton Park SS P and C
BSB: 064 132 Account number: 00900404
Reference: VC <your surname>
You can make a one-off payment, or set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly recurring transfer.
If you would like a receipt, please email
Option 2: Credit card via the form below (note: this option incurs an additional 2.2% fee)
In 2023, we raised funds to install a fixed sound system in the school hall. Our hall desperately needs a sound system so we can hear (!!) and that will enable us to use the hall to its full potential. We had a target of $20,000 and we raised nearly $11,000 towards that target. We are delivering on that objective with the addition of existing funds, and we can’t wait to hear the difference when the system is installed in the next couple of weeks!
2022 and 2021
In 2021 and 2022 your voluntary contributions raised between $6,000 and $10,000. It helped to fund a range of activities and resources including resources for a whole school curriculum training for literacy and numeracy, investment in our art and design program, a program for students social and emotional needs, online learning platforms and electronic learning aids (ipads), an expansion of our instrumental music program and incursions and excursions for our kids such as Make and Meld and glass making.
Voluntary Contributions for 2024 have now closed.